Inspired Light
Light paintings photographs by Patrick Rochon

A camera is a container for time, a tool that can capture light and shadow which our naked eyes cannot see, building them into realistic or fantastical landscapes. Among various photographic techniques, light painting best reflects the timing of photography. Each photo takes from a few seconds to a few minutes to make, carving the flow and the overlapping of colorful lights into the image.

Inspired Light” is photographer and light painter Patrick Rochon and car manufacturer infiniti’s cooperative project. This photographic project was shot at a racing field in Dubai and took up to four months to prepare. Having invited professional drivers, car mechanics and crews from 13 different countries to take part, 3 different cars which were installed with various colors of light tubes circled back and forth on the tracks. As the soul of the project, Patrick captured large light paintings that can not be seen by the naked eye through his vision from the view founder.

Results are what you see here, very strong and filled with energetic lights bursting from the arena and the cars. In the images the shadows of the cars are clearly seen, with unpredicted lights woven together like impressionistic paintings. After enjoying the photos, click into the series of making of from “Inspired Light” and see it from its start to finish. The final product is something even the production team did not expect– a combination between photography and automotive, technology and art.