A Two Dimensional World
Flatland II by Aydin Buyuktas

Flatland is a satirical novella written by Edwin Abbott Abbott during the Victorian period. The English author created a fictional two dimensional world where all things are reduced to just points and lines, and people of different social classes have their own geometric figures. The story is a favourite of mathematics, physics and computer science lovers because of its novelty and examination of dimensions. The  “Flatland” series was inspired by the novella of the same name and Aydin Buyuktas has recreated our three dimensional reality into skewed photographic landscapes.

Born in Ankara, Turkey, Aydin Buyuktas dropped out from his tourism management degree to pursue a creative career. After moving to Istanbul he worked in many film and advertising productions and began freelancing on commissioned photography and 3D animation as his skills improved. “Flatland” was a project he started in 2015. For each image he stitched 18-20 aerial drone shots together with amazing retouching and 3D illustration skills. The results are visual resemblances of the world described in the novella.

The images below are from “Flatland II“, a continuation of the original project. The subjects are just things we see daily such as highways, railway racks and farms, but through Buyuktas’s post-production the landscapes look like they come from a continuous and endless two dimensional world, something beyond our understanding.