From Tarmac To Snow
Harley-Davidson Street Rod Snow Bike by Suicide Machine Company

For this year’s X-games happening in Aspen, Colorado, Harley-Davidson has launched the event’s first Snow Hill Climb. The company has also collaborated with Aaron and Shaun Guardado from Suicide Machine Company to create two snow bikes based on the Street Rod 750. These two bikes did not enter any competition though, but rather, they were more for showcasing the brand and ferrying athletes around.

Harley-Davidson sent two XG750 Street Rod motorcycles to the design duo just before Christmas. The team bought track conversion kits last minute and soon found out that the conversion kits were built specifically for dirt bikes, so they had to make specific changes meaning the brothers had plenty of modification work to do. The Guardados also coated the ski kits from white to black for consistency as well as an extra layer of protection. The modification process can be viewed in the video below.
