Urban Haze
At Night by Andreas Levers

When people talk about artificial lighting in the city, it is normally associated with light pollution or energy waste. However, in appropriate circumstances and angles, even the most common source of city lights could become a symbol of romance. “At Night” is the latest series from German photographer Andreas Levers. Starting from 2013 he has been roaming around cities trying to capture street lights, train stations, gas stations, cross sections and other facilities and locations. With the hazy view at nighttime he turns the lights we see nightly into poetic images.

Besides taking nighttime photos, Andres is also a digital media designer who enjoys capturing different details and elements of buildings in his spare time, as seen in another collection “Modern World”. For At Night, though, Andreas amazes his audience with his knack for capturing the right atmosphere and mood. For example, he conveys a sense of loneliness with his photo of an empty gas station under the white fluorescent light. In another image, the red signs on the streets screams warning and alertness. These are what city dwellers walk past day-in day-out, but under his lens Levers manages to recreate sentiments hidden under the surface.