The Only Street
1Street by Manu Grinspan

With the advent of smartphones, we now tend take photos constantly and of almost everything. Yet we may pay less attention in finding the unique elements that are really worth capturing. But what if you could only choose just one street of each city in the world to take photos of?

This is the approach Israeli photographer Manu Grinspan used to create his ongoing project “1STREET“. In each city he visits, Grinspan tries to look for a street that stands out and attracts him the most, somewhere filled with dramatic or cinematic stories and imagery. Grinspan mostly shoots at night for this project, and edits heavily in post production to further bring out the vibrancy of the images.

Grinspan believes that “1STREET’s power comes through capturing one single street with its combination of elements such as a person, weather, mood and lighting that can never be replicated again.” So far Grinspan has captured his favourite street in Paris, Barcelona and Tel Aviv.