Extreme Shape of Sound
Sound Tank by Nik Nowak

Berliner Nik Nowak is one of the first artists in the Future Audio Artist Program, an ongoing initiative run by German audio company Sennheiser. Each year the brand supports three new artists with custom audio equipment to help them create their vision and  showcase their work at Art Basel events. For Art Basel in Miami, Sennheiser brought Nowak’s most well know work to-date, Sound Tank, to the States for the first time since its completion in 2011.

Nowak explainst that his work was actually based the visual concept drawing, while the sount aspect came later as he started building systems. The 1.5-ton Sound Tank is a hybrid of a Jamaican sound system, a tank and a stealth aircraft. It is reconfigured from mini dump truck and has a 4,000-watt speaker-wall that can be raised upright hydraulically. A total of 13 speakers are used to create a full and powerful sound.

For the performance in Gramps Club, Nowak teamed up with Miami bass legend Neil Case, aka Bass Mekanik and his bass van, artist Billy E. and long term collaborating video-artist Moritz Stumm for a stunning sound clash. 

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