California Dreamin’
Auto Elasticity by Chris Labrooy

Chris Labrooy started creating 3D art with his “Auto Elasticity” series years ago. His early projects such as “Tokyo” and “Tales of Auto Elasticity” caught a lot of media coverage with its sophisticated 3D work and impressive use of space.

Chris Labrooy obviously has a special liking for using cars as his subject matter. His unique signature look lies in the manipulation and reinterpretation of space. He even makes the cars somersault in some of his work, leaving an lasting impression to his audience. In his latest “911” series, he once again showcases his magic spatial skills, using the 1973 Porsche 911 for the hyper-realistic 3D images this time around.

The “911” series is set under the sunshine and palm trees of California. Labrooy plays strongly on colours and creates spaces and scenes rarely seen; blue 911s taking a dip in the pool, stacking pink 911s, cars in headstand, and cars caught in a fishnet. All of these works are pure fantasies with an extra drop of playfulness and imagination.