Alternative Electric Car Charger
Volt EV charging drone

While electric vehicle are becoming more common, the number of EV charging stations in most cities is still far less than gas stations, and it could be nerve-wrecking if your EV is running out in the middle of the road. Korean product designer Yeop Baek has imagined a concept that could avoid this awkward situation.

The Volt charging service is available via an app. When your EV’s battery is running out, simply request for a Volt drone on the app. The system will get your EV model and location information via the app and send the drone to where you are. Volt is equipped with cameras at the front and rear for avoiding obstacles during the journey. Once arrived, the top of the drone opens and driver can grab the charging gun to power up the car. Judging from the battery size on Volt it won’t be a full charge of course, but should be good enough for making it through to the next proper charging station.